STELLAR Education Group (SEG), comprising of STELLAR International School (SIS), STELLAR Preschool (SP) and Sand and Stars Kindergarten (SNS), has launched a drive-through carnival in conjunction of the graduation ceremony for STELLAR Preschool students on 31st December 2020. The carnival was an innovative measure to allow both graduates and non-graduates alike from the preschool to have an avenue to celebrate their achievements despite all the interruption to their schooling days due to the Covid-19 pandemic. A drive-through carnival meant that students and parents can have a proper celebration to mark the end of their preschool life by interacting with their teachers and share memories with their peers as they all go through the same activities and booths on the day. Engagements with our students and parents are something we treasure and thrive upon. The commitment to create memorable experiences with our community is what brought us to start this journey in the first place.
Participants were greeted with a time tunnel to give students a ‘Blast From The Past’ seeing photos from all the past events they were in and how they have grown over the years alongside the skills and values they acquired. The next section showcases SEG’s education pathway for parents to see how Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary education curriculums are linked in terms of the holistic SEG’s education goals and specific milestones across the different stages for their child. A variety of familiar booth games awaited parents and students right before they collected their graduation certificates on stage where they had their photo taken. The drive-through format meant that proper observances to the physical distancing SOPs can be made while providing an entertaining experience.